Narcissistic abuse specialists who really get it.
Amy Marlow-MaCoy
Licensed Professional Counselor
Hi, I’m Amy. I’m a narcissistic abuse specialist, and the owner and founder of The Courageous Heart Institute, LLC. I’m also a lifelong geek, soft blanket enthusiast, and can most likely be found in close proximity to cats and coffee when I’m not in the office. As a clinician, I am warm, welcoming, and affirming. I honor the truth of your lived experience, and my job is to support you in creating the life you want as you heal forward.
I have advanced training in multiple trauma treatment models, including Internal Family Systems (IFS), Brainspotting, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Dr. Karyl McBride’s Five Step Recovery Model for Adult Children of Narcissists. I offer individual therapy, an 8-week group called Walking on Eggshells, and one-day workshops featuring a condensed version of the group. Whatever form of treatment is right for you, we will work together to help you reclaim your life and heal from the legacy of narcissistic abuse.
Amy is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania only. For referrals in other states, please see the Resources page.
Felicity Fong
Licensed Professional Counselor
Hello, I am Felicity. I understand how complex trauma can haunt your life, changing the way you see yourself and making you second-guess your own memories. Repeated exposure to emotional abuse, manipulation, coercion, and other harmful experiences can leave you feeling unsafe, unsure if you can trust even yourself, and struggling with confusing emotions that aren’t easily defined.
As a licensed professional counselor with a special interest in trauma treatment, I understand the profound impact these experiences can have on your life. Along with my experience in trauma treatment, I am trained in Dr. Karyl McBride’s Five Step Recovery Model for Adult Children of Narcissists, and recently completed the Courageous Heart Therapist Mentorship Program. As of August 2024, I have completed Gottman Couples Training, and now provide both individual and couples’ therapy.
Along with my training and experience, I bring warmth, compassion, and authenticity to the therapy room. Together, we can turn the page and start a new chapter in your healing journey – one that speaks to your courage, resilience, and strength. Your story is worth telling, and I’m honored to join you in telling it.
Individual Therapy (Teens and Adults) – 50 minute session $120
Couples Therapy – 80 minutes $150
Felicity is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. For referrals in other states, please see the Resources page.